The Fletcher M. Green and Charles W. Ramsdell Award
Award Description
The Fletcher M. Green and Charles W. Ramsdell Award is awarded in even-numbered years for the best article published in the Journal of Southern History during the two-preceding years. It will next be awarded at the 2026 annual meeting in Atlanta, GA for an article published during 2024 or 2025.
2026 Award Committee
Lesley Gordon, University of Alabama, Chair Marvin T. Chiles, Old Dominion University Sally Hadden, Western Michigan University
Past Winners
2020 - Aaron R. Hall "Public Slaves and State Engineers: Modern Statecraft on Louisiana's Waterways, 1833-1861,” Volume LXXXV (August 2019) Project MUSE
2018 - Brandon Layton "Indian Country to Slave Country: The Transformation of Natchez during the American Revolution,” Volume LXXXII (February 2016) JSTOR
2016 - Reiko Hillyer "Cold War Conquistadors: The St. Augustine Quadricentennial, Pan-Americanism, and the Civil Rights Movement in the Ancient City," Volume LXXXI (February 2015) JSTOR
2014 - Stephanie E. Yuhl "Hidden in Plain Sight: Centering the Domestic Slave Trade in American Public History," Volume LXXIX (August 2013) JSTOR
2012 - Paul S. Sutter "What Gullies Mean: Georgia's 'Little Grand Canyon' and Southern Environmental History," Volume LXXVI (August 2010) JSTOR
2010 - Mark W. Geiger "Indebtedness and the Origins of Guerrilla Violence in Civil War Missouri," Volume LXXV (February 2009) JSTOR
2008 - Karen Kruse Thomas "The Hill-Burton Act and Civil Rights: Expanding Hospital Care for Black Southerners, 1939–1960," Volume LXXII (November 2006) JSTOR
2006 - Claudio Saunt "The Paradox of Freedom: Tribal Sovereignty and Emancipation during the Reconstruction of Indian Territory," Volume LXX (February 2004) JSTOR
2004 - Stephanie J. Shaw "Using the WPA Ex-Slave Narratives to Study the Impact of the Great Depression," Volume LXIX (August 2003) JSTOR
2002 - Greg O'Brien (co-winner) "The Conqueror Meets the Unconquered: Negotiating Cultural Boundaries on the Post-Revolutionary Southern Frontier," Volume LXVII (February 2001) JSTOR
2002 - Gregory Michael Dorr (co-winner) "Assuring America's Place in the Sun: Ivey Foreman Lewis and the Teaching of Eugenics at the University of Virginia, 1915–1953," Volume LXVI (May 2000) JSTOR
2000 - Laura F. Edwards (co-winner) "Law, Domestic Violence, and the Limits of Patriarchal Authority in the Antebellum South," Volume LXV (November 1999) JSTOR
2000 - Michael A. Ross (co-winner) "Justice Miller's Reconstruction : The Slaughter-House Cases, Health Codes and Civil Rights in New Orleans, 1861–1873," Volume LXIV (November 1998) JSTOR
1998 - Neil Foley "Mexicans, Mechanization, and the Growth of Corporate Cotton Culture in South Texas: The Taft Ranch, 1900–1930," Volume LXII (May 1996) JSTOR
1996 - Sharon Ann Holt "Making Freedom Pay: Freedpeople Working for Themselves, North Carolina, 1865–1900," Volume LX (May 1994) JSTOR
1994 - John S. Hughes "Labeling and Treating Black Mental Illness in Alabama, 1862–1910," Volume LVIII (August 1992) JSTOR
1992 - James C. Cobb "Does Mind No Longer Matter? The South, the Nation, and The Mind of the South, 1941–1991," Volume LVII (November 1991) JSTOR
1990 - James C. Cobb "Beyond Planters and Industrialists: A New Perspective on the New South," Volume LIV (February 1988) JSTOR
1988 - Rowland Berthoff "Celtic Mist Over the South," Volume LII (November 1986) JSTOR
1986 - Raymond Arsenault "The End of the Long Hot Summer: The Air Conditioner and Southern Culture," Volume L (November 1984) JSTOR
Charles W. Ramsdell Article Award
1983 - Elizabeth Brown Pryor "An Anomalous Person: The Northern Tutor in Plantation Society, 1773–1860," Volume XLVII (August 1981) JSTOR
1981 - Daniel Joseph Singal "Broadus Mitchell and the Persistence of New South Thought," Volume XLV (August 1979) JSTOR
1979 - John R. Killick "The Cotton Operations of Alexander Brown and Sons in the Deep South, 1820–1860," Volume XLIII (May 1977) JSTOR
1977 - Carl V. Harris "Right Fork or Left Fork? The Section-Party Alignments of Southern Democrats in Congress, 1873–1897," Volume XLII (November 1976) JSTOR
1975 - Randolph B. Campbell "Planters and Plain Folk: Harrison County, Texas, as a Test Case, 1850–1860," Volume XL (August 1974) JSTOR
1973 - Patricia Hickin "Gentle Agitator: Samuel M. Janney and the Antislavery Movement in Virginia, 1842–1851," Volume XXXVII (May 1971) JSTOR
1971 - Bertram Wyatt-Brown "The Antimission Movement in the Jacksonian South: A Study in Regional Folk Culture," Volume XXXVI (November 1970) JSTOR
1969 - Norman K. Risjord "The Virginia Federalists," Volume XXXIII (November 1967) JSTOR
1967 - Alan Dowty "Urban Slavery in Pro-Southern Fiction of the 1850's," Volume XXXII (February 1966) JSTOR
1965 - Harold D. Woodman "The Profitability of Slavery: A Historical Perennial," Volume XXIX (August 1963) JSTOR
1963 - Edward W. Phifer "Slavery in Microcosm: Burke County, North Carolina," Volume XXVIII (May 1962) JSTOR
1961 - Bernard A. Weisberger "The Dark and Bloody Ground of Reconstruction Historiography," Volume XXV (November 1959) JSTOR
1959 - J. R. Pole "Suffrage and Representation in Maryland from 1776 to 1810: A Statistical Note and Some Reflections," Volume XXIV (May 1958) JSTOR
1957 - Robert R. Russel "What Was the Compromise of 1950?," Volume XXII (August 1956) JSTOR
Fletcher Melvin Green Article Award
1970 - Roger L. Rice "Residential Segregation by Law, 1910–1917," Volume XXXIV (May 1968) JSTOR
1972 - Harvard Sitkoff "Harry Truman and the Election of 1948: The Coming of Age of Civil Rights in American Politics," Volume XXXVII (November 1971) JSTOR
1974 - Warren A. Ellem "Who Were the Mississippi Scalawags?," Volume XXXVIII (May 1972) JSTOR
1976 - Daniel J. Flanigan "Criminal Procedure in Slave Trials in the Antebellum South," Volume XL (November 1974) JSTOR
1978 - Barry Mackintosh "George Washington Carver: The Making of a Myth," Volume XLII (November 1976) JSTOR
1980 - Steven J. Ross "Freed Soil, Freed Labor Freed Men: John Eaton and the Davis Bend Experiment," Volume XLIV (May 1978) JSTOR
1982 - Judith K. Schafer "New Orleans Slavery in 1850 as Seen in Advertisements," Volume XLVII (February 1981) JSTOR