
Advertising Information

Advertising contract for Volume 88 (2022)—please return by December 15. Please also feel free to contact us anytime before the closing dates for per-issue ads.

Advertising Rates

Full Page Per Issue—$300.00
Four-Issue Contract Rate—$250.00

Half Page Per Issue—$175.00
Four-Issue Contract Rate—$125.00


PDF files (black-and-white only) by email attachment are required.

Full Page—Page size is 6 x 9.25 inches; please incorporate white margin such that printed space is 5 x 8

Half Page—5 x 3.75 inches (horizontal only)

All copy is subject to editorial approval; the publisher reserves the right to make additional charges for advertiser’s changes. Invoices will be sent upon publication of the issue.

Closing Dates

Issue // Due Date

February // December 15

May // March 15

August // June 15

November // September 15

We can accept per-issue ads at any time before the closing date for that issue. The Journal is circulated to approximately 2,000 subscribers, including all members of the Southern Historical Association. Individual issues sell for $20.00.

Please direct all questions and correspondence to:

Suzanne Scott Gibbs
Assistant Editor

Rice University, MS 45
P.O. Box 1892
Houston, Texas 77251-1892
phone: (713) 348-6039
e-mail: JSH